Investera | Investera | Investment Portfolio Management Platform- Part 3

Author: Investera

هل ستستثمر في الذهب أو النفط الخام؟

جائحة عالمية وأزمة اقتصادية وانتخابات أمريكية .. ماذا يعني ذلك لأسعار الذهب والنفط الخام؟ كمستثمر، هل ستستثمر في الذهب؟ في النفط الخام؟ كليهما؟ أو لا شيء منهما؟

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Fintech: MENA investors 2019/2020

Since 2015 MENA-based Fintech startups have witnessed an immense growth with a total of $237M worth of investments. According to publication by ADGM, 2017 was the breakout year for Fintech investments with a total of 38 deals across the region.

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Robo-Advisors vs. Financial Advisors

Robo-advisors are automated platforms that use machine learning algorithms and data analytics to deliver the best advice on the most profitable investment opportunities in the market.

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Smart Startups in the Middle East

A startup is a company in its initial stages of development that focuses on serving a perceived market demand by delivering products, services, platforms, or applications that are able to reach their targeted audience.

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Best performing Startups in September 2020

Despite the major setbacks that resulted due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its influence on the economy, some Startups in the Middle East bounced back and maintained flexibility and resilience through funds and partnerships

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